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Gaza Strip And West Bank

Occupied Territories

Gaza Strip and West Bank

Before 1967

WEB The Gaza Strip came under Egyptian occupation and the West Bank was ruled by Jordan before both territories were occupied by Israel in the 1967 Six.

After 1967

WEB 1967 to the present Jerusalem Bethlehem coming soon Area C Jordan Valley coming soon Loss of Land See also the collection of maps.

Israeli Occupation

WEB Just a few years after the Nazis had killed six million Jews the dream of establishing a state in their biblical homeland had come true.

1967 Border

WEB What is the 1967 border The June 4 1967 border also known as green line is the internationally recognized border between the occupied Palestinian.

Arab-Israeli Wars

WEB Subsequent ArabIsraeli wars including the Six-Day War in 1967 resulted in the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip..
